Sunday, July 13, 2008

Obama's nuts...

The above link is a controversial video that shows a gaffe by Jesse Jackson whom apparently didn’t know his mike was still “hot”. I was recently listening to a radio talk show and a comment was made that jokingly stated the current definition of a "gaffe" is a public figure stating their true thoughts, unintentionally. That may well be true in this case. Jesse Jackson has been rendered irrelevant by the Obama campaign. In fact, Obama is only helped by the comments Reverend Jackson made. Obama needs to distance himself from racial politics as much as possible to woo independent voters which he needs to win the general election. This voting demographic is not impressed by the Reverend’s politics of blame. They tend to be inspired by Obama’s message of personal responsibility in the black community. And this really takes the wind out Reverend Jackson’s sails for more than one reason. The Reverend preached this message at one time yet; it didn’t resonate with his constituents. And, he proved hypocritical on the subject when it was discovered the Reverend himself had fathered an illegitimate child. Not to mention, the Reverend was never able to prove a viable candidate in his own attempts at running for the Presidency.

I think the Obama campaign is more than pleased with this development.

On a lighter note, while researching this topic I came across an interesting site that has had a huge increase in traffic due to this story. For a laugh take a look at:

1 comment:

Matty said...

I agree that Obama is a good speaker, However, I still can't figure out what he is planning to do other than use as many positive words as possible in a perfectly timed manner.