Wednesday, August 6, 2008

McCain, Obama, Paris Hilton...

The above add by John McCain has caused much controversy. Largely, due to the fact that McCain has promised a campaign based on the issues and also due to the spotlight it places on the reality of the Obama campaign. The use of Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton to conjure the image of celebrity (the limited talent/worthiness is implicit in this add). Personally, I think it is good to see McCain actually generating a buzz. And, even as the race progresses it is difficult for McCain to debate Obama on the issues as Obama seems to change his position in whatever direction the polls suggest is politically advantageous.

In any case, the response video by Paris Hilton is actually very funny as well as poignant and is worth a look. The link is below…


Anonymous said...

Who knew Paris Hilton could be so politically oriented. Her ad was certainly funny. As far as the claim that Obama is a celebrity, I dont see where the McCain camp was tryng to go with that ad. Are they trying to say that a celebrity would make a poor president? I hope not, because when last I checked, Ronald Reagan was a celebrity long before a politician, and that seemed to work out just fine. Now dont take that the wrong way. I am by no means supporting Obama. I just think pointing out his so-called "celebrity status" was irrelevent.

Anonymous said...

Your life will just never be the same ever since Paris "eyeballed" you at the airport that day.... oh was that Tinkerbell?

Anonymous said...

yeah, im not sure about the mccain add either. correct me if im wrong, but obamas "celebrity" status has come only from being in politics. maybe that just means that he is good at playing the game? maybe it doesnt. in any case i dont see it being relavent or effective directly. however, an add like this could be indirectly effective, basically reinforcing the beliefs of people who are ready to blindly dislike obama (or blindly support mccain) for one reason or another, and give them something to make fun of him and his supporters about. this seems pretty childish, but in reality may be somewhat effective. there are probably people who can be peer pressured into changing their vote by bullies who make fun of them and their cantidate. and every vote counts.
as far as paris's add... it was awesome. it really showed how much any campaign is a farce. paris hilton, in that moment, looks like a better presidential cantidate than either of the real ones. its all about who's got the best speech writers, and best stage design and p.r. people. also, being the only "cantidate" free from responsibility to any big money donators or extremist voters, she is able to actually say out loud an honest and realistic solution to the problem mccain was addressing.

Mattmon1 said...

Yeah, I loved the Paris Hilton campaign comments. Sometimes it's nice to see humor during politically ugly times.